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Holding Hands



Dramatherapy provides a developmentally appropriate means of processing events for those whom verbal methods alone may be insufficient. It taps into their natural propensity toward action and utilises it to engage clients in play as a means of safely exploring issues and painful feelings.


Dramatherapy can reduce feelings of isolation, help to develop new coping skills and patterns, broaden the range of expression of feelings, improve self-esteem and self-worth, increase a sense of play and spontaneity, and develop safe relationships.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT teaches clients to challenge their anxious thoughts and understanding of situations, rather than accepting anxious thoughts as the truth.


CBT encourages clients to generate more realistic versions of situations and their ability to cope with them. Ready with a new mindset, clients then gradually face their fearful situations breaking the challenges down into small, manageable steps.


Over time, clients are able to tap into non-anxious interpretations of situations more quickly and understand that avoidance of feared situations, only makes matters worse, instead the only way to get past anxiety is to face it head on and approach situations until they become used to them.

Clinical Supervision for Students and
Fully Qualified Therapists

Clinical supervision is the formal provision of a relationship-based education and training that is work-focused and which manages, supports, develops and evaluates the clinical work of both student and fully qualified therapists. The main methods that our supervisors use are
corrective feedback on the supervisee’s performance, teaching, self-reflection, collaborative goal setting & an understanding of how identity, values and beliefs impact therapy between both therapist and client. 

What to expect from your first session:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Dramatherapy uses a number of different dramatic techniques to help people make meaningful change including, but not limited to, play, storytelling, metaphor, witnessing, performance, and improvisation.
Dramatherapy can take many forms depending on the clients’ needs, skill, ability levels, interests, and therapeutic goals. I like to use a number of different techniques and facilitate that process based on what the client is comfortable with and what I feel might best support the process.

















What to Expect in Your Therapy First Session.

Whatever your reason for seeking therapy you will be more at ease and get better results if you know what to expect in your first session.
Your first session will last 60mins. I will ask a range of questions about you and your life. Your answers will help me make an initial assessment of your situation.


Questions I might ask include:
Why you sought therapy at this time?

A particular issue probably led you to seek counselling. So, I need to understand your immediate problem(s) before I can begin to get to deeper issues.
Your personal history and current situation.

I may ask you a series of questions about your life.
For example, because family situations play an important role in who you are, I may explore your family history and your current relationship situation.
Your current symptoms.

As well as understanding the immediate reason you sought therapy and any symptoms this may have caused, I may attempt to discover if you are experiencing other symptoms. For example, your problem might be causing you difficulty at work or affecting your sleep. I will use this information to help me  understand your problem and guide how I might work with you.

You are an active partner.

Therapy is a team effort. Taking a full part in your session will help you get the most from it.
Here are some things you can do to help make your first session work well:
Be open. Therapists are trained to ask the ‘right’ questions, but we are not mind readers and we do get it wrong sometimes. It will help me help you if you can answer my questions openly and honestly, asking for more time if you need it. I’m also aware that opening up can also take time.
Be prepared. Before the session try to give some thought to “what’s wrong.” It is helpful if you are able to describe the feelings you have about your problem. I know that time is often in short supply and don’t worry if you are not able to do this. But many people find it helpful to write down the reasons they are seeking help. See if you can make a list and then read it out loud. Hearing yourself say it a few times may help you describe things more clearly to me.
Ask questions. The more you understand our therapy sessions, the more comfortable you will be. Please feel free to ask questions about the process and please ask me to repeat anything you don’t understand.
Be open and honest about your feelings. A lot will be going on for you in your first session. Try to be aware of your feelings and try to share them with me. That’s what I am here for! We will both learn from these insights. I know this can sometimes be difficult, but don’t let that put you off. We can work on it together.
Be realistic. Come to your first session with realistic expectations. Therapy is not a quick fix.It is a process. With some effort on your part and a strong relationship with your therapist, it can be a powerful tool that contributes to resolving your problems.


CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are
interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.
You're shown how to change these negative patterns to improve the way you feel. Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past.
It looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis.
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